For Finance Professionals who want to improve their value to the business through growing in business acumen and strategic awareness

Discover How Top Companies Use Value Driver Analysis in Strategy Development and Performance Measurement

Download this free eBook for a step by step guide to the key techniques for identifying business performance drivers and defining KPIs.

FREE Ebook:Ā Discovering and Using Value Drivers -Ā A Short Guide for Finance Managers

By Andy Burrows
Get The eBook Now

Focus strategy

Home in on the things that really make a difference to your business, and therefore focusĀ on the things that are truly strategic

Target your KPIs

Lay aside the encyclopedia of performance measures and pinpoint the Critical Success Factors and KPIs that really matter

Value driver tree

Learn how to use a value driver tree analysis to plot out the links between the business vision and theĀ elements that enable the business to achieve it

Get started today

This guideĀ is designed toĀ enable you to follow a simple step by step process to pinpointing the key drivers of performance in your business. You can be using this in minutes.


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